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Mar 19, 2025 - 6:04PM

Saw this while browsing the thoughts.page webring: https://seraphim.thoughts.page/#1711553187 "what a lonely life it is to be human. to be disconnected from the source of all things. to be lost without our plant friends, our animal friends, our sky and water friends. i see the wandering lonely human downtown. seeking joy in the bought things. money is the really only friend we all know." Damn. Too real.

Mar 19, 2025 - 5:44PM

I saw Purple Kiss just last month but it already feels like suuuuuch a long time ago. Like three or four constitutional crises ago. I bought tix for Bibi today (in June!) and now I'm just waiting for Gryffin in April. I wish there were more concerts coming to my city that I'd really, really want to go to (like NJZ).

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